Differentiations of affect illustrations in French painting of the eighteenth century (Univ.-Ass. Mag.phil. Dr.phil. Elfriede Wiltschnigg)

  • Wiltschnigg, Elfriede (Principal Investigator (PI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


In late baroque and rococo as well as in the paintings around the time of the French revolution, the representations of affects counted as the most preferable way of pictorial expression. It allows the artists – in analogy to genres of music and literature – to transfer both great emotions and moral values to the recipients in order to effect their emotions. Differentiations in affect illustrations of the eighteenth century shall be investigated by means of various examples of different types of paintings and special emphasis will be put on the expression of the female and male. The socio-cultural context will thereby build the foil on which the different works of art materialize themselves.
Effective start/end date1/01/0429/12/07


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