From lab scale spraying to real scale shotcreting and back to the lab

Isabel Galan, Maria Thumann, Lukas Briendl, Rudolf Röck, Florian Roman Steindl, Joachim Juhart, Florian Mittermayr, Wolfgang Kusterle

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPaperBegutachtung


Before new mixes are sprayed in real scale applications, lab experiments have to be carried out to provide a basis for predicting a good performance in real scale. In many cases, to understand the correlations between the behavior in the lab and in real scale spraying, a further set of experiments after the real spraying is required. In this paper we present such a two way process for two new wet mixes, one with a very low tricalcium aluminate Portland cement and the other one with a CEM I with addition of ultra-fine calcite. Calorimetry and Shear-Modulus measurements were used in the lab to monitor hydration evolution. In the real scale spraying compressive strength was measured at periodic intervals up to 24 hours. The hydration of the sprayed samples was stopped at 3, 6 and 24 hours and samples were scanned with X-ray for the identification and quantification of the phases present. The results presented are used to discuss the extent to which lab experiments can predict the behavior of mixes in real scale and how small changes in the raw materials and the mixes can lead to quite different results.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2018
Veranstaltung2018 8th International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete - Trondheim, Norwegen
Dauer: 11 Juni 201814 Juni 2018


Konferenz2018 8th International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete


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