From data-based condition analysis to sophisticated asset management for railway tracks

Johannes Neuhold, Matthias Landgraf

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review


Today, track engineers face increasing cost pressure and strict budget restrictions. This leads to growing difficulty in legitimizing crucial maintenance and renewal measures. Hence, infrastructure managers must spend the available budgets as sustainable and efficient as possible. These boundary conditions require an objective tool enabling both, a component-specific condition evaluation and a preventive maintenance and renewal planning. The present research introduces such a tool for railway track based on innovative track data analyses. Based on the condition evaluation, regression models are applied to predict the quality behaviour in the future. These technical investigations are combined with economical and operational considerations to plan reasonable maintenance lengths for different components in the next years. In a next step, economic evaluations by means of annuity monitoring are executed to find the ideal point in time for the reinvestment of a track section. This information enables to decide whether a necessary measure should be carried out as a maintenance task or if the renewal of the section is the wiser decision. This methodology also allows for calculating an economic damage by neglecting the ideal point in time for reinvestment. Based on this economic damage, it is possible to rank projects in case of insufficient budgets and to spend the available money in the most reasonable way.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of World Congress of Railway Research
Place of PublicationTokyo, Japan
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event12th World Congress on Railway Research: Railway Research to Enhance the Customer Experience - Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 28 Oct 20191 Nov 2019
Conference number: 12


Conference12th World Congress on Railway Research
Abbreviated titleWCRR 2019
Internet address

Fields of Expertise

  • Sustainable Systems

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