IEA SHC TES - IEA Solar Heating and Cooling

Project: Research project

Project Details


The primary project objective in the requested IEA task participation is the further networking of the Austrian scientific actors in the field of compact heat storage with the international research landscape and the participation of the developed expertise. For all national partners involved in the offer, the opportunity to incorporate the results of their own R & D projects into the task is possible in order to be able to position and network in the international context. The result of the IEA Task Collaboration is on the one hand the documentation and comparability of project results and on the other hand the coordination of national projects with the international level. Through intensive international networking, project experience can be exchanged and development risks can be met in projects at an early stage. The company's own positioning for participation in international consortia as well as advertising of industrial partners are important activities in the context of the task meetings.
Effective start/end date1/01/1731/03/20


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