HiNext Radsatzwelle - Product qualification tests on a wheelset

  • Moser, Christian (Co-Investigator (CoI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


The test object is a wheel set in original size, which is adapted to the boundary conditions of the test bench. The wheelsets were joined according to the drawing. On side A, a single bearing inner ring was raised. On side B a complete bearing is reproduced. In addition, the inner bearing seat of the Side B, warmed in advance to 140 °. The seat was warmed to 140 ° within 30 minutes and held at 140 ° for 10 minutes. First, the side A is tested (single bearing inner ring), after this test the device under test is demounted (all bearing components with interference fit) and the clamping washers on side B mounted. Then the test takes place again.
Effective start/end date1/03/1830/09/18


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