EU - APSN - Advanced Passive Safety Network

  • Steffan, Hermann (Co-Investigator (CoI))
  • Tomasch, Ernst (Co-Investigator (CoI))
  • Gugler, Jürgen (Principal Investigator (PI))
  • Mayrhofer, Erich (Co-Investigator (CoI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


Every year, more than 40.000 people are killed in the 15 Member States as a result of road accidents. Another 1.5 million are injured, often being severely crippled. The fact that so many of our citizens die violently or suffer horrible injuries while simply going about their daily business, should, at the very least, create cause for concern. Now, the European Vehicle Passive Safety Network is taking up the challenge. For many, the high number of road fatalities is the most severe problem facing Europe today, the greatest threat to public safety, and one of the most dire catastrophes in history. In any other context, the loss of so many lives would constitute a major disaster, demanding immediate and drastic action. But getting the safety message across, largely a problem of communication is not as easy as it sounds. The PSN has been established to promote passive safety research and, equally importantly, to help in the dissemination of information and results, all with a view to reducing the number of casualties on European roads. The aim of APSN is to mobilise the European scientific & business expertise in Vehicle Passive Safety to accelerate improvements in road safety in order to reduce the annual road victims for the European Union. APSN joint technical and scientific objective is to enhance the level of road safety at affordable costs for the individual user as well as for the European society.
Effective start/end date1/04/0431/03/08


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