CORVETTE1 - Co-ordination and Validation of the Deployment of Advanced Transport Telematic Systems in the Alpine Area

Project: Research project

Project Details


The general objective of the project CORVETTE is the co-ordination of the work of regional, bilateral and multilateral implementation projects in the field of Transport Telematics in order to ensure the continuity and the quality of services offerd to the authorities and to the users of the TERN (Trans European Road Network) in the Alpine Area. CORVETTE is a platform for harmonisation of information-services through the Alps. The Department of Communications and Wave Propagation (INW) joined CORVETTE, giving support in the communication engineering aspects in form of studies and consultations. One major aspect of the project is the implementation of RDS-TMC (Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel).
Effective start/end date1/04/9630/09/00


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