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    Kopernikusgasse 24 Graz


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Editors of Proceedings and Journals, organizer of national and international conferences, reports for science foundations (DFG, FWF, GACR, Austrian Academy of Sciences), and numerous reports for scientific journals and publishers (ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Computational Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Computing, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, J. of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Mathematics of Computation, Operations Research, Statistica Applicata, Statistics, Mathematical Reviews, Monatshefte Mathematik, Operations Research, Annals of Probability, Annals of Statistics, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Statistics and Probability Letters, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Electronic Journal of Probability, Econometric Theory, Australian and New Sealand Journal of Statistics, Biometrical Journal, Biometrics, Computational Statistics, Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Metodoloski Zvenski, Statistics and Computing, Austrian Journal of Statistics) Short Description: The variety of research ranges from mathematical problems to methodological issues that include the design of studies, survey of data and filed statistical analysis. Our research is concentrated on the development and application of statistical methods, where we investigate structural properties of financial time series and generalized linear models, and apply statistical methods to environmetrics, medicine, biometrics and different industrial sectors. Important contacts to the scientific community are maintained in different ways. We organize conferences, participate in meetings and work with guest researchers. Our applied statistical projects and consulting activities provide a permanent technology transfer.


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