Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis (5190)

  • primary organisation addressShow on map


    Steyrergasse 17 Graz


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Short Description: Since 1951, the institute has been working on the development and application of micro- and nanoanalytical methods based on electron microscopy techniques. This experience includes the development of special preparation techniques and new characterisation methods. The institute plays a primary role to support interdisciplinary and interfaculty research, training and education through essential resources for electron- and ion beam micro- and nanocharacterisation of all kind of advanced materials. The institute is very active in the field of high spatial resolution analysis in materials science and it now belongs to the top institutions worldwide with new leading-edge instrumentation. Since 1960, the institute works in close co-operation with the Centre for Electron Microscopy Graz.


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