Measurement of Strain using Stereometry

Jasmina Lozanovic, Nenad Gubeljak, Aleksandar Sedmak

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


This paper presents measurement of strain using stereometry method. It describes the use of digital stereometry to measure microstrains on the surface. This canbe achieved by comparison of the images of point distribution on faced surface at different load levels. The examples present the possibility to measure strainconcentration in the vicinity of crack tip on metallic sample. Applying two video cameras and corresponding software the image of strain distribution can beobtained in different forms, in 2D and 3D formats
Seiten (von - bis)93-99
FachzeitschriftTehnicki Vjesnik - Technical Gazette
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2009
Extern publiziertJa

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