Lipoprotein ability to exchange and remove lipids from model membranes as a function of fatty acid saturation and presence of cholesterol

Sarah Waldie, Federica Sebastiani, Kathryn Browning, Selma Maric, Tania K. Lind, Nageshwar Yepuri, Tamim A. Darwish, Martine Moulin, Gernot Strohmeier, Harald Pichler, Maximilian W.A. Skoda, Armando Maestro, Michael Haertlein, V. Trevor Forsyth, Eva Bengtsson, Martin Malmsten, Marité Cárdenas*

*Korrespondierende/r Autor/-in für diese Arbeit

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Medicine and Dentistry


Material Science
