Isotope Probing of the UDP-Apiose/UDP-Xylose Synthase Reaction: Evidence of a Mechanism via a Coupled Oxidation and Aldol Cleavage

Thomas Eixelsberger, Doroteja Horvat, Alexander Gutmann, Hansjörg Weber, Bernd Nidetzky

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


The C-branched sugar d-apiose (Api) is essential for plant cell-wall development. An enzyme-catalyzed decarboxylation/pyranoside ring-contraction reaction leads from UDP-α-d-glucuronic acid (UDP-GlcA) to the Api precursor UDPa-d-apiose (UDP-Api). We examined the mechanism of UDPApi/UDP-α-d-xylose synthase (UAXS) with site-selectively 2H-labeled and deoxygenated substrates. The analogue UDP-2-deoxy-GlcA, which prevents C-2/C-3 aldol cleavage as the plausible initiating step of pyranoside-to-furanoside conversion, did not give the corresponding Api product. Kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) support an UAXS mechanism in which substrate oxidation by enzyme-NAD+ and retro-aldol sugar ring-opening occur coupled in a single rate-limiting step leading to decarboxylation. Rearrangement and ring-contracting aldol addition in an open-chain intermediate then give the UDP-Api aldehyde, which is intercepted via reduction by enzyme-NADH

Seiten (von - bis)2503 –2507
FachzeitschriftAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2017

Fields of Expertise

  • Human- & Biotechnology


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