Passive Haptic Learning for Vibrotactile Skin-Reading: Comparison of Teaching Structures

Research output: Working paper


This paper investigates the effects of using passive haptic
learning to train the skill of reading text from vibrotactile
patterns. The vibrotactile method of transmitting messages,
skin-reading, is effective at conveying rich information but its
active training method requires full user attention, is demanding,
time-consuming, and tedious. Passive haptic learning
offers the possibility to learn in the background while performing
another primary task. We present a study investigating the
use of passive haptic learning to train for skin-reading. Additionally,
a word-based learning structure is typically used for
this passive learning method. We expose trends that suggest
this word-based incrimental teaching may not be optimal.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherGeorgia Tech Library
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • haptic interfaces
  • haptics
  • wearable display
  • wearable technology
  • wearables
  • accessible technology
  • accessibility
  • skin reading


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