Oxygen-Driven Metal–Insulator Transition in SrNbO3 Thin Films Probed by Infrared Spectroscopy

Paola Di Pietro, Chiara Bigi, Sandeep Kumar Chaluvadi, Daniel Knez, Piu Rajak, Regina Ciancio, Jun Fujii, Francesco Mercuri, Stefano Lupi, Giorgio Rossi, Francesco Borgatti, Andrea Perucchi, Pasquale Orgiani*

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The occurrence of oxygen-driven metal–insulator-transition (MIT) in SrNbO3 (SNO) thin films epitaxially grown on (110)-oriented DyScO3 has been reported. SNO films are fabricated by the pulsed laser deposition technique at different partial O2 pressure to vary the oxygen content and their structural, optical, and transport properties are probed. SNO unit cell has been found to shrink vertically as the oxygen content increases but keeping the epitaxial matching with the substrate. The results of Fourier-transform infra-red spectroscopy show that highly oxygenated SNO samples (i.e., grown at high oxygen pressure) show distinct optical conductivity behavior with respect to oxygen deficient films, hence demonstrating the insulating character of the formers with respect to those fabricated with lower pressure conditions. Tailoring the optical absorption and conductivity of strontium niobate epitaxial films across the MIT will favor novel applications of this material.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2101338
JournalAdvanced Electronic Materials
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
  • infrared spectroscopy
  • perovskite oxides
  • thin-films
  • X-ray powder diffraction

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials


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