On asymmetric colourings of graphs with bounded degrees and infinite motion

Florian Lehner, Monika Pilśniak, Marcin Stawiski

Research output: Working paper


A vertex colouring of a graph is called asymmetric if the only automorphism which preserves it is the identity. Tucker conjectured that if every automorphism of a connected, locally finite graph moves infinitely many vertices, then there is an asymmetric colouring with $2$ colours. We make progress on this conjecture in the special case of graphs with bounded maximal degree. More precisely, we prove that if every automorphism of a connected graph with maximal degree $\Delta$ moves infinitely many vertices, then there is an asymmetric colouring using $\mathcal O(\sqrt \Delta \log \Delta)$ colours. This is the first improvement over the trivial bound of $\mathcal O(\Delta)$.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2019


  • math.CO


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