Li-ion battery model performance for automotive drive cycles with current pulse and EIS parameterization

Phillip Kollmeyer, Andreas Hackl, Ali Emadi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Two equivalent circuit battery models and two battery model characterization methods are examined in this paper. A simple model, consisting of just an open circuit voltage and a series resistance, is compared to a more sophisticated model composed of an open circuit voltage, inductance, resistance, parallel resistance and capacitance, and a Warburg element all connected in series. The equivalent circuit models are then fit to either time or frequency domain test data, and the model performance for both parameterization methods is compared. In the digest the model accuracy is evaluated for a portion of a vehicle drive cycle, while in the final paper the models will be comprehensively evaluated for a range of drive cycle and temperature cases.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages492
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jun 2017
EventTransportation Electrification Conference and Expo: ITEC 2017 - Chicago, United States
Duration: 13 Jun 201715 Sept 2017


ConferenceTransportation Electrification Conference and Expo
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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