High Temperature Superconducting Structures

Philipp Braeuninger-Weimer* (Inventor), Christoph Heil (Inventor), Brian C. Holloway (Inventor), Vladimir Z. Kresin (Inventor), George Albert Sawatzky (Inventor), Stuart A. Wolf (Inventor)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Patent


A superconductor device includes a low-dimensional material with a critical temperature higher than a critical temperature corresponding to a bulk form of the low-dimensional material. The low-dimensional material can include shape and structural modifications of a low-dimensional material. The superconductor device can include various conformational arrangements of the low-dimensional material such as nanoribbons, nanotubes, or helices. The superconductor device can include functional groups, such as hydrogen, attached to the low-dimensional material. The superconductor device can include metallic clusters located in proximity to the low-dimensional material. The superconductor device can include a low-dimensional material which is a monolayer, bilayer or multilayer.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUSPTO 16/789143
IPCH01L 39/12,C01B 32/20
Filing date12/02/20
Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2020


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