From Data to Visualisations and Back: Selecting Visualisations Based on Data and System Design Considerations

Belgin Mutlu, Vedran Sabol, Heimo Gursch, Roman Kern

Research output: Working paper


Graphical interfaces and interactive visualisations are typical mediators between human users and data analytics systems. HCI researchers and developers have to be able to understand both human needs and back-end data analytics. Participants of our tutorial will learn how visualisation and interface design can be combined with data analytics to provide better visualisations. In the first of three parts, the participants will learn about visualisations and how to appropriately select them. In the second part, restrictions and opportunities associated with different data analytics systems will be discussed. In the final part, the participants will have the opportunity to develop visualisations and interface designs under given scenarios of data and system settings
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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