Verhalten des totalen peripheren Widerstandes bei Körperarbeit in Relation zum Muskelstoffwechsel im Hinblick auf die Interpretation von Leistungstests

Translated title of the contribution: Behavior of the total peripheral resistance with workload in relation to the muscle-metabolism in the consideration on the interpretation of performance-tests

Issa Ibraheem

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis


Measurements of the physical training are used in sport as well as in the rehabilitation, in order to improve the physical capability. For the optimization of the training in the consideration on favorable performance-increase as well as on the avoidance of training-conditional overload-damages, most different physiological quantities are consulted with it. In the field of the performance-sport is used the Lactatconcentration as indicator primarily, in the rehabilitation, the heart-frequency is the indicator.

The goal of this present work was the development the hypothetical background of the attitude of the heart-frequency with body-work on the basis of the connected systems:

Muscle-metabolisms (autoregulation of the skeleton-muscle), attitude of the peripheral resistance (increase of the venous reverse current - Frank-Starling-Mechanismus), nervous and metabolic vascular-regulation.

The mentioned connected systems of the vascular-total-regulation with body-work on the basis of from experimentally won measurements of healthy persons is replaced by simple simulation-models.

The measurements with steps work as well as constant work at the bicycle-ergo-meter, and the parameter-identification after district method (GAUS-METHOD) are the background of the simulation.

These models become in second step on the basis of the identified parameter as well as on the basis of the measurements in the modifies steps test with the ergo-meter validates.
Translated title of the contributionBehavior of the total peripheral resistance with workload in relation to the muscle-metabolism in the consideration on the interpretation of performance-tests
Original languageGerman
QualificationDoctor of Technology
Awarding Institution
  • Graz University of Technology (90000)
  • Pessenhofer, Herfried, Supervisor
  • Wach, Paul, Supervisor
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jun 2001


  • cardiac output
  • performance optimization
  • capability
  • Blood Barorezeptors

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