SurveyHub - Action-guiding evaluation platform for employee surveys and evaluations of psychological stress

  • Krnjic, Vesna (Co-Investigator (CoI))

Project: Research project

Project Details


The SurveyHub project aims to develop a modern web application for the evaluation, visualisation and further work with the results of employee surveys. The main aim is to support large companies in overcoming the content-related and logistical hurdles of national and international employee surveys. SurveyHub pursues the following 5 core objectives. 1: 1. to create a DSGVO-compliant and user-friendly online platform for the evaluation and presentation of employee survey results that takes into account Austrian and Central European specifics. 2. to make results data from any online survey system accessible and retrievable via API. SurveyHub is not a "survey platform" but a survey-neutral "evaluation platform". 3. The quantitative result data of employee surveys should not only be presented statistically, but should also be prepared didactically and visually for the target group "managers and employees" in companies. The target groups should be guided through the results in order to better understand their meaning. 4. The qualitative result data in the sense of open comments should be evaluated by content-analytical algorithms and processed in the same way. We want to make accessible the rich wealth of experience and opinion in companies that otherwise lies fallow. 5. We want to digitalise the process of collecting and working with the results and thus accelerate it. It should be possible for clients to receive the results of surveys in hours, not weeks. Managers in client companies should be able to quickly capture the core content of their surveys and process them in a time-saving manner.
Effective start/end date1/06/2131/07/22


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