Quickway - Quickway

Project: Research project

Project Details


QUICKWAY is an integral concept of mobility for people and minor goods in large cities. This concept is based on additional traffic area which is used by diverse driverless vehicles that are controlled by a central electronic controlling system. The controller uses information about the current position as well as the desired destination of all QUICKWAY users at the same time and calculates the fastest routes with minimised stops, which finally increases the traffic capacity by more than thousand percent. The outlined project focuses on the necessary elevated roadways (QUICKWAYs) made of UHPC, the construction progress of which is intended to be 400 m per week and construction site. Engineering and scientific investigation on the structural design, the manufacture and the erection are completed by a probabilistic quantification of lifecycle costs on the one hand and by analyses on the social interaction between QUICKWAYs and the resident population on the other hand.
Effective start/end date1/09/1331/08/16


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