Personality profile, competencies and motivational factors of technology-oriented purchasing professionals

Project: Research project

Project Details


In economically difficult times, companies set the focus toward purchasing. In addition to a cost reduction purchasers pursue many other objectives and cannot be seen just as the "traditional" buyers. Increase liquidity, increasing competitiveness, necessary product quality, reducing risk, innovation and other potentials can be realized by the purchase departments. The value manager is the concept in more detail and includes more than just the buying process. To meet these requirements, it certain competencies are required. In this work competencies are charged for technology-oriented purchases from the literature and through qualitative interviews and furthermore will be empirically tested. A personality analysis to personality traits and motivation factors for technology-oriented buyers will be collected and will be predictive for modes of action of incentives in purchasing. This research helps companies to identify which skills of technology-oriented purchaser are beneficial and how working conditions can be designed in an efficient way for purchasing people.
Effective start/end date6/10/1428/09/17


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