FWF - NeRAM - Next-Generation Rowhammer Attacks and Mitigations

Project: Research project

Project Details


DRAM stores data in memory cells, which are arrays of capacitors and transistors. Manufacturers are constantly increasing the density of these arrays to provide storage capacity, optimize performance and efficiency. The density is so high that a fast Reading can cause bit flips in adjacent memory rows. Exploiting this Rowhammer effect can undermine memory isolation and thus system security. In recent years, Rowhammer has become a major security concern for two reasons has increased: First, the number of hits required for an attack has increased reduced by a factor of 30. Second, previous research has identified various Found ways to exploit Rowhammer in privilege escalation attacks. Third previous attempts to prevent Rowhammer have already been circumvented in current research.
Effective start/end date1/12/2230/11/25


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