EU - Hämo-Scan - Non-invasive monitoring of the hydration state during dialysis

Project: Research project

Project Details


About 25% of all dialysis patients suffer from acute complications (hemodynamic instability) during the treatment. Those instabilities are at least partly due to inadequate fluid balance and provoke a tremendous discomfort to the patients suffering fainting, vomits and requiring relative long recovery periods. Moreover physiological problems affecting the patients health are huge. It is needed to estimate accurately the fluid distribution in the patient during the dialysis treatment in order to take adequate countermeasures to avoid these instabilities. This project proposes to use a non-invasive method that would allow to measure on line this fluid distribution. The RTD performers (NTE and UPC both based in Spain and TU-Graz based in Austria) have been working in this method for 10 years and consider that this technology is ready to enter the applied research phase. The partners of the project propose to develop a system based in this technology and through a clinical essay to elaborate specific estimators for dialysis patients during treatment. The SMEs participating in the project (IBP and MeSys based in Germany and Akern based in Italy) are highly interested in evaluating the uncertainties of the technology proposed in order to start product development activities after the finalisation of the project. The use of such a technology would contribute to improve the quality of life of the dialysis patients in Europe.
Effective start/end date1/01/0431/07/06


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