CONNECT - Blogmobil [Original in Deutsch: Ein Blogmobil fährt durch die Steiermark]

Project: Research project

Project Details


Students of the degree course Journalism and Public Relations of the university of applied sciences Joanneum will connect "old knowledge" with new informations spaces. Historical knowledge objects (usually scanned books) and "born digital" information elements in the Austria-Forum and Wikipedia will linked to blog posts and collected (personal) memories. For this undertaking we will develop at the Technical University Graz algorithms for information integration and for knowledge extraction from (historical) book collections and the consolidation of these objects with lexica. The transformation of text into online knowledge environments will be accomplished using semantic technologies and will implement a content authoring system for the integration of knowledge into online reference works and innovative knowledge repositories. The Connect project will focus on the growing need for effective multilingual content processing to support educational and business applications and will enable people to make sense of (historical) books through a web service.
Effective start/end date1/06/1331/01/14


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