CD-Laboratory for Model-Based Control of Complex Test Bed Systems

Project: Research project

Project Details


Test beds are frequently used in industry to ease the development and testing of products. Their actua-tion needs to be performed in such a way, that they effect and react to the device-under-test in the sa-me way as the device's native environment. For this purpose simulation models of the environment are necessary that provide reference trajectories for certain test bed quantities in real-time. The tracking of these references in the presence of the device-under-test's unknown behavior requires the use of so-phisticated and robust control concepts. These encompass both robust controllers and robust obser-vers. The latter are used for the reconstruction of quantities, that are not measureable during test bed operation, and in the sense of minimizing the number of used sensors are also relevant in an economi-cal context. In the CD-Laboratory such control concepts will be studied; special focus is given to the demands for discrete-time implementation and simple tuning of the control and observer algorithms, which is essential for their use in the context of test bed control. Investigated are also models of test bed components and devices-under-test that are required both for online generation of reference trajec-tories and for the design of observers and controllers; these investigations will focus on simple, physi-cally motivated models that are suitable for real-time use on test beds.
Effective start/end date1/04/1731/12/24


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