"Recent results on thermopysical data of liquid niobium and tantalum"

Ralph Gallob, Helmut Jäger, Gernot Pottlacher

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Thermophysical data have been obtained by the method of resistive microsecond pulse heating of wire-shaped samples, which are part of a fast RCL discharge circuit. Measurements were performed up to temperatures above the normal boiling point of the specimen. The experimental setup allows heating rates of >109 K s-1. Thermophysical data such as heat of fusion, specific heat, and the mutual dependences between electric resistivity, enthalpy, volume expansion, and temperature are reported.
Seiten (von - bis)207-213
FachzeitschriftHigh Temperatures, High Pressures
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1985


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  • Thermophysik

    Pottlacher, G., Cagran, C. & Wilthan, B.

    1/01/82 → …

    Projekt: Arbeitsgebiet

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