Effect of lens lesion on neurite outgrowth of retinal ganglion cells in vitro

Barbara Lorber, Martin Berry, Ann Logan, David Tonge

Publikation: Beitrag in einer FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Recent studies have shown that lens lesion promotes axonal regeneration in the optic nerve of adult rats. In the present investigations, dissociated retinal ganglion cells (RGC) from intact postnatal (P) 9-11 rats showed spontaneous neurite outgrowth on laminin-1, in contrast to RGC from intact P14-adult rats. Neurite outgrowth from P9-14 RGC on laminin-1 was promoted by prior lens lesion and also during coculture with lesioned lenses. Neurite outgrowth from adult RGC following prior lens lesion, or in cocultures with lesioned lenses, required the presence of laminin-2. In media conditioned by lesioned lenses, the stimulatory effect on neurite outgrowth was still observed in the presence of K252a (trk receptor blocker) and mAb 228 (which blocks the effects of leukemia inhibitory factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor). Together, these results suggest the existence of a neuritogenic factor(s) associated with the lesioned lens that belongs to neither the neurotrophin nor the gp130 cytokine family.

Seiten (von - bis)301-11
FachzeitschriftMolecular and Cellular Neuroscience
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Okt. 2002
Extern publiziertJa


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