International Dissemination in the field of Sustainable and Renewable Energies

    Projekt: Arbeitsgebiet



    One of the main targets of TU Graz is to develop worldwide partnerships with top companies, research and higher education organizations and political decision-makers in the field of sustainable systems. With its establishment of and membership in the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (eseia) the TU Graz has already built a strategic partnership on a European scale. TU Graz benefits from an excellent regional home base with long-standing cooperation links to the following partners: - Cleantech Innovators Club - ECO World Styria - Industrialist's Association Styria - Austrian Economic Chamber of Trade - Competence Centers of TU Graz - Styrian Government - City of Graz
    Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/01/09 → …


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