Identifying transcriptional targets of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma

      Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



      Obesity is an increasing health problem reaching epidemic proportions in most western societies. It is the main precursor state of diabetes and other diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidaemia, and cardiovascular disease are also attributable to obesity. The development of obesity requires the continuous differentiation of new adipocytes throughout life, which is regulated by a complex transcriptional cascade. Recently, a protein member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily designated PPARg (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) was discovered and its central role in adipose differentiation was identified. Despite intensive research efforts, due to the extraordinarily diverse spectrum of responses in different biological settings, the actual identities of many PPARg-regulated gene products have remained elusive. The broad, long-term objective of the studies in this project is to delineate transcriptional regulatory networks of adipocyte differentiation using combined analysis of genome sequence and gene expression data. The specific aim is to identify additional downstream PPAR? target genes. For this purpose advantage will be taken of the availability of cellular model systems, the specificity provided by synthetic PPARg ligands, and the cDNA microarray technology. Hypotheses were first generated by performing database searches and using computational techniques for modeling transcription factor binding sites. Base...(this text has been cut automatically)
      Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/01/0131/01/02


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