EU - IW 347 Ecocity - Urban Development Towards Appropriate Structures for Sustainable Transport

Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



Overall goal of the project is to develop settlement patterns for sustainable cities. Core topic is a compact settlement structure interrelated with a sustainable transport system, considering an efficient energy supply and using new information technologies. A balanced mix of land uses (e.g. initiating jobs in sustainable business) contributes to reduce traffic demand. Concepts for such new model settlements and strategies for their consistent implementation will be developed in co-operation with local communities for several European locations, also stimulating improvements in their surrounding regions. The project is developed in 3 phases: 1. Definition of a conceptual/analytical framework (guidelines, indicators); 2. Elaboration of "Concepts for sustainable model settlements at specific sites" with accompanying review; 3. Evaluation, Conclusions and Dissemination of Results (Handbook, Implementation of Concepts) not assigned KP: Peter Raksanyi, Autorizovany Inzinier, Planning Bureau
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/02/0231/01/05


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