CEPLACA - Assessment of Environmental Contamination Risk by Platinum Rhodium and Palladium from Automobile Catalysts

  • Zischka, Michael (Teilnehmer (Co-Investigator))

Projekt: Forschungsprojekt



In the European Union (EU) all new cars registered from 1st January 1993 have been fitted with catalytic converters to reduce hazardous emissions below the legislative level. Platinum (Pt), rhodium (Rh) and palladium (Pd), the platinum group metals (PGMs), are the main active components of these three-way catalysts. There is no overwhelming evidence that the urban environment is contaminated by these elements which are released into the environment adsorbed on small particles as a result of surface abrasion of catalytic converters during car operation. The current concern is whether the emitted platinum and PGMs are toxic for living organisms and human being. The most frequent and soluble platinum complexes, such as hexachloroplatinate (IV), tetrachloroplatinate (II), etc. among the most potent allergenics and sensitizers known. Occupational asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and chronic dermatitis and eczema are common diseases in workers at platinum refineries and catalyst production plants. This project is planned to ascertain the health and ecosystem risks by the emission of Pt and PGMs due to the use of three-way catalysts in the EU.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/06/9930/11/00


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