The internal reporting of process optimization measures to decision-makers under economic and environmental aspects

Aktivität: Vortrag oder PräsentationVortrag bei Konferenz oder FachtagungScience to science


Optimizing a process and reducing costs are everyday business in a company. In times of global warming, environmental aspects must also be taken into account in process optimization. The controller is thus no longer just a supplier of information, but must propose a technical, economic and environmental optimization of processes and prepare it for management as a basis for decision-making. The challenge of multidisciplinary process optimization lies in the predominantly conflicting situation of economic and environmental optimization, which are usually regarded as opposed to each other. In this paper, a 4-quadrant model for the preparation of individual optimization measures is proposed, which supports decision-makers in making a selection taking into account economic and ecological aspects.
Zeitraum24 Mai 2021
EreignistitelInternational Scientific Conference: Sustainable Finance, Insurance and Reporting: Principles, Practices and Challenges
OrtNiš, SerbienAuf Karte anzeigen


  • biotechnological process
  • technical optimization
  • economic optimization
  • environmental assessment
  • sustainability, reporting
  • LCC
  • LCA