Spatial Origami

Aktivität: Vortrag oder PräsentationVortrag bei Festival oder AusstellungScience to science


Prof. Milena Stavric and Prof. Albert Wiltsche work at the Institut of Architecture and Media (IAM) at Graz University of technology. The main interest of their research is in architectural geometrie. Folding is their current research topic and they apply folding theory to architecural design. Furthermore, IAM teaches and researches the use and future potential of digital technology in architecture. Digital media are seen as enhancing the architectural profession, opening up novel, more sophisticated ways of designing and building. The institute aims for a close relationship between teaching and research. The focus is on four main areas: creative collaboration, design tools, digital fabrication and hybrid architecture.
Zeitraum5 Mai 201628 Mai 2016
Gehalten amBINA - Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture , Serbien


  • folding, parametrische modellierung