Geometry, CAD-implementation and 3D-printing of Gears

Aktivität: Vortrag oder PräsentationVortrag bei Konferenz oder FachtagungScience to science


Involute, helical and bevel gears are standard in mechanical engineering applications. The basis for their construction are various geometric and kinematic aspects as circle involutes and developable surfaces. Hence, these applications can serve as a key motivation in the geometry education of mechanical engineers. In the respective courses the students learn that the knowledge of geometric issues is essential. For example, if one wants to correctly implement a helical gear pair in a CAD environment one has to know about parameterizations of circle involutes and properties of tangent surfaces. We present a project which has to be elaborated by mechanical engineering students at TU Graz and MU Leoben. This project contains the implementation of helical gear pairs in a CAD environment and the additive manufacturing of a respective 3D-model by means of an FDM printer. A more advanced topic that we will discuss is the construction of involute bevel gears which is based on spherical circle involutes and geodesics on right cones and their tangent surfaces.
Zeitraum2 Sept. 20186 Sept. 2018
Ereignistitel4th Croatian Conference on Geometry and Graphics
OrtVodnjan (Peroj), KroatienAuf Karte anzeigen