Extended Approach for Calculating Thermal Stress and Ampacity of High Voltage Cable Systems Based on Experimental Data

  • Florian Ainhirn (Redner/in)

Aktivität: Vortrag oder PräsentationVortrag bei Konferenz oder FachtagungScience to science


Thermal rating calculations of high voltage cable systems are normally performed using either analytical or numerical methods. Nevertheless, both methods face problems through simplifications, approximations or the insufficient modelling of the surrounding soil. The High Voltage Test Laboratory Graz Ltd. is currently developing an extended approach, which combines these methods for higher accuracy. The research so far shows, that a more detailed modelling of the surrounding soil as well as an increased region to be discretized can improve accuracy.
Zeitraum23 Juni 201927 Juni 2019
EreignistitelJicable 2019: 10th International Conference On Insulated Cables
OrtVersailles, FrankreichAuf Karte anzeigen


  • Hochspannungskabel
  • Strombelastbarkeit
  • Multiphysikalische Simulation
  • Umgebungseinflüsse
  • Bodendynamik