Arquitectura modular en el espacio: ESPAI VERD, un hábitat sostenible

Aktivität: Prüfungs- oder BetreuungstätigkeitExterne Prüfungstätigkeit


Espai Vert is a singular architectonic work built in Valencia in the early 90's. Its colossal fair-faced concrete structure combined with a profuse vegetation make it an architectural symbol of its time. This work can be catalogued as Brutalist due to its dimensions and materiality. Likewise, it belongs to the residential modular architecture , as there are a whole range of space combination rules that fit its dwellings according to a regular layout. In recent years academic interest has increased towards this building, and currently various research teams and institutions are exposing its value. The present work exposes the architect's points of view about some of the main points of this project through an interview, analysing the design and structural part of this building, and concludes with the importance and meaning of concrete in this work.
GeprüfterManuel Calleja Molina
Überprüfung stattgefunden am
  • Universitat Politècnica de València

Fields of Expertise

  • Sustainable Systems